
Tackling waste in Restaurants:
they’re doing it!

How can restaurants reduce their environmental impact by tackling the waste issue?
Let’s dive together into an inspiring world of very concrete examples that have already been tested and implemented by tourism companies across the globe!

Silo Restaurant (Brighton, UK)

Rise & Win Brewing (Japan)

This japanese pub is made out of 100% recycled materials:

La Recyclerie (Paris, France)

Lycée des Savarières (France) à propos du compost (en français)

The Label Ecotable (France)

The association Ecotable has created a label to highligh the restaurants that adopt eco-friendly practices. There are 3 level of commitments, whith specific criterias, among which waste management: sorting and biowaste recovery. For more information, check their website

A list of restaurants across the globe commited
to improving their waste management

Share your experience:

To better understand waste impact from the tourism industry, check out those
4 main challenges and 10 key resources.

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