News: Inspiration | Page 6

Gaming at a Festival – let the games begin
This article serves to generally explore all the many ideas we had while planning a low waste festival, but which we could not turn into reality. Most of them serve...
FightClub Special: Ecocups vs. Single-used plastic cup – the very truth
In April this year, makesense organized the first positive impact festival in Paris. Around 1500 participants got engaged, listened to discussions and participated at workshops. Future of Waste, a...
KarTent: the Hippies’ must-have for festivals
We want to introduce you to a very special member of our community: an ambitious Startup based in Amsterdam: KarTent. They are part of our Amsterdam HotSpot and our Community...
Our Vision of a Zero Waste Festival
Our Vision of a Zero Waste Festival This is the first article of a series of blog articles where we get you on board on a very exciting journey to...
La Fabrique du Clos : un chantier en 3D?
Note du jour : Le béton, ça peut être canon. Le 12 octobre dernier, nous (l’équipe Future of Waste) avons participé — dans le cadre des journées nationales de l’architecture – à la visite...
Les plateformes d’économie circulaire dans le BTP
Un article augmenté avec une base de données recensant de nombreuses plateformes. Les choix politiques sur la priorisation des actions pour l’environnement défient souvent le bon sens. On limite souvent l’impact...
Future of Waste at the COP22
The Future of Waste team was at the COP22 ! Violette tells us more about her experience in Morocco. What is the COP 22 ? From the 7 to the 18...
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