News: Inspiration | Page 7

Pick up your future instead of wasting it!

  Sustainable development used to be something many people referred to as a way to secure a decent future for their children. They were wrong about the time-lapse: earth resources...

Post 29 March 2016

Let’s make the informal sector less “trash-y”

“Uncollected waste kills!” explains Future of Waste head Antoine in an informative article on waste pickers and waste segregation, referring specifically to improperly-tossed waste that generates disease and other dangers for people living nearby....

Post 29 March 2016

8 feedback de la campagne Waste Collectors

Future of Waste is a MakeSense program dedicated to waste issues. Started in 2014 we aim at promoting good waste management in all sectors globally. To develop a stronger expertise and take the...

Post 29 March 2016

Reinventing the way we build cities

It is little known that the buildings we live in are major contributors to pollution, global warming and natural resources squandering. We often think about households waste but often fail to consider...

Post 17 February 2016

For a happy new year, help an environment Jedi

COP21 has just ended and we can celebrate that the world governments have agreed to curb the rise of temperature below 2°. Unfortunately the roadmap to reach such a goal...

Post 11 January 2016